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Caterpillar ET 2018A description of the catalogue:
Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows Vista will no longer be supported as of the 2014A release
What's New - Cat ET 2018
VISTA Operating System and Windows 7
Dual Data Link Using Third Party Communication Adapters
Customer Support Phone Numbers
Colors of Graph Lines
Product Link Training
Programmable Monitoring System
Caterpillar Electronic Technician. Getting Started
VISTA Operating System
CAT ET 2008A has been verified and will operate correctly on the VISTA Operating
System with the exception of our Help files. For the Help files to operate on VISTA you
must download a file from Microsoft. Please follow these steps:
Go to
Search for the file "WinHlp32.exe for Windows Vista"
Go to the article "WinHlp32.exe for Windows Vista"
Knowledge Base (KB) Articles: KB917607
Follow the directions provided to enable Windows Help support on Windows Vista
Please note that anyone using our help on Vista will see the following message: "There
was a problem running the macro. (1037)".
What's New
2011 Engine Changes
Component Based Troubleshooting
Dealer Distribution Services Center
Gas Engine Slave Diagnostic
Product Link Registration
Sea Trial Changes
Toolbar Changes
Windows Vista
The 2011A version of CAT ET will service engines on two data links simultaneously. Full diagnostics are supported on J1939, but only limited diagnostics are supported on the ATA data link.
There are several new diagnostic tests available:
*The CRS System Diagnostic tests are used to troubleshoot ignition problems, eliminate 90% of the soot load from the DPF in a normal Manual Regeneration, and remove nearly 100% in the longer ASH Service Regeneration.
*The Engine Air System Verification test is comprised of the Clean Gas Induction (CGI) test, the Variable Geometry Turbocharging (VGT) test, and After-treatment Regeneration Device Combustion Airflow (ARD) test. These tests cycle the engine air system components on and off continuously while the engine is stopped in order to evaluate their performance.
*The Fuel System Verification test initiates a sweep of the injector adaptive trim, and compensates injector delivery for wear as it ages. The test displays success or failure of each individual injector following the completion of the test.
*The Fuel System Functional test will automatically test common rail fuel system components in sequential order.
*The Injector Fuel Delivery test measures the fuel flow of each injector.
Component Based Troubleshooting
The CBT (Component Based Troubleshooting) feature is used to access machine specific help documentation concerning an anticipated problem. Access this feature by clicking the "Troubleshoot Code" or "Troubleshoot Symptom" button at the bottom of the Active or Logged Diagnostic codes screen. Please note: an Internet connection is required to utilize this feature.
There is a known issue that an "Unable to Authenticate SIS User Account" error message is displayed when using this feature. This will be corrected with the 2006B release of SIS, which will be made available in March 2007.
To avoid this issue:
*Launch a web browser
*Go to
*Once logged into the CWS system, run Cat ET
*You should now be able to access information about the diagnostic code by selecting the "Troubleshoot Code" or the "Troubleshoot Symptom" button.
The web browser must not be closed while running Cat ET or this error will return.
Gas Engine Slave Diagnostic
The Gas Engine Slave Diagnostic clock for the Slave ECM now displays in hh:mm:ss; maintaining a consistent format with ECMs on the network.
Product Link Registration
Product Link Registration is a feature that allows one to register their Product Link Control module through Cat ET. The tool confirms registration through email as well as through the product link status screen.
Sea Trial Changes
In CAT ET, the Sub-menu items in the Sea Trial category are now in the correct order, that is, General, Transient and Steady State.
Toolbar Changes
The Toolbar Customization screen has a fresh new look, emphasizing a simple interface in which to customize the appearance and functionality of the service tool to suit your own needs.
Windows Vista
Some Problems have been experienced while running Cat ET on the Windows Vista OS. We do not recommend running Cat ET on this operating system.
Snapshot errors when using Serial IP addressed
Problems capturing an initial snapshot while using Serial IP were observed in previous versions of the service tool. To correct this issue, flash the communication adapter with firmware version CA2v3i1.0.apf, found in the directory :"C:Program FilesCaterpillar IncCommunication Adapter IIFlash".
Service Tests for Hydraulic Excavator Design Center
Problems with the sweep buttons on some service tests for Excavators have been corrected in Cat ET 2011A
Conflict Caterpillar ET 2018A with other catalogues:
No conflicts found
|   | All regions |
|   | English |
|   | VISTA, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, Windows 8/10 x64, WinJapan, WinNT, WinXP |
|   | 1 CD |
|   | 4/2018 |
|   | 200 USD |
| | All regions | English, German | 1 CD | 7/2012 | 25 USD | 2
| | All regions | English, German | 1 CD | 10/2011 | 25 USD | 3
| | All regions | English | 1 CD | 2/2017 | 150 USD | 4
| | All regions | English | 1 CD | 10/2015 | 50 USD |