Documentation Functionality Questions
Parts list  
for the Parts List
Control panel  
Documentation for the Parts List

Click on the Parts List button at the top of the screen. This will bring up the list of the parts entered from the parts window.

The Parts List shows:

  • N°: Sequence of parts found
  • Reference: Part number
  • Designation: Description of the part
  • Qty: Quantity of the part ordered
  • MSDT: Manufacturer, Source, Duty and Tax codes
  • Price, excl. VAT: Unit price excluding VAT for the part

You can sort this list. Click on the appropriate field in the column headings to do so:

Select a field and click once: the list will be sorted in ascending order. Click a second time (in the same field) and the list will be sorted in descending order.


To modify the number of parts assigned to a line in the list.
Select the part number, modify the quantity and confirm by clicking on the OK button.


To delete a line from the Parts List completely

Select the line to be deleted and click on the Delete line button.


To add a part number manually to the Parts List


Enter the part number followed by a comma and the quantity (eg: 7701348115,2). Confirm by clicking on the OK button.

If the part number is included in the price file, DIALOGYS MPF will show the MSDT and the price, excluding VAT.


To delete the contents of the Parts List completely.

Deletion is irrevocable. Beware, there is no confirmation prompt.


Printing the Parts List

Click on the Print button in the toolbar on the left of the screen.


A Print preview window then appears:

Click on the Print button.

The printer's Print dialog box is displayed (the appearance of this window will differ depending on your printer). Then click on the "OK" button in this window to start printing the document.




Selecting the currency

There is a button showing a flag in the toolbar to the bottom left of the screen.

The program swaps between the two currencies each time you click on this button.

For example: In the case of France, this button may show one of these two images:

Local currency


This allows you to see the Parts List in one of the two currencies:

Value in local currency
Value in euros (E)